Category Development

How I Localized My Hugo Theme


How I Localized My Hugo Theme

Overcoming challenges and solutions for adding localization to a Hugo theme, including string extraction, date formatting, and managing plural forms.

· 6 minutes reading time
Dark Theme Toggle with Tailwind


Dark Theme Toggle with Tailwind

Version 4 simplifies dark mode implementation in React, leveraging modern theming and automatic opacity handling for colors. I use local storage to persist user preferences across sessions.

· 6 minutes reading time
Is CSS a programming language?


Is CSS a programming language?

With modern features and conditional logic, CSS has evolved into a versatile tool, blurring the lines between traditional styling and computational problem-solving in the realm of web development.

· 8 minutes reading time
Diagrams with Mermaid


Diagrams with Mermaid

Discover Mermaid's Markdown-inspired syntax to craft diverse diagrams using simple text in your blog posts. Learn how to integrate and customize Mermaid diagrams.

· 3 minutes reading time
Structured data in Hugo templates


Structured data in Hugo templates

How to properly display structured data on your web pages with a Hugo template.

· 5 minutes reading time
Entering the Battlesnake arena


Entering the Battlesnake arena

It's an online game where programs play against each other. My program needs survival strategies!

· 15 minutes reading time