Category Math

Intuition vs. mathematical facts


Intuition vs. mathematical facts

Examine the reliability of tests for detecting infections, using probability trees and Bayes' theorem to highlight the high potential for false positives.

· 7 minutes reading time
Internal Rate of Return Calculation


Internal Rate of Return Calculation

Deconstructing the math of investment: estimate the annualized rate of return with the IRR algorithm and its Rust implementation.

· 14 minutes reading time
The Monty-Hall-Problem


The Monty-Hall-Problem

The problem is a brain-teaser, in the form of a probability puzzle. It has sparked endless debate. See the solution with a simulator.

· 5 minutes reading time
Cumulative standard normal distribution


Cumulative standard normal distribution

Easy calculation of probabilities using a computed z-table.

· 3 minutes reading time
Statistics challenge and solution


Statistics challenge and solution

How the central limit theorem of statistics can be useful to solve business problems.

· 3 minutes reading time